Posts in Technical Leadership
Lean OKRs in DevOps: Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Growth

Discover the transformative power of Lean OKRs in the world of DevOps. This approach not only aligns big goals with tangible results but also fosters a culture of continuous improvement and efficiency. Learn how setting clear objectives and measurable key results can streamline your DevOps processes, focusing on creating value and eliminating waste. Perfectly suited for the fast-paced, customer-centric world of DevOps, Lean OKRs are your key to unlocking higher efficiency, better team alignment, and more effective software development.

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From Average to Exceptional: The Journey of One Development Team to Increase Productivity and Business Outcomes

This is the story of an average, low-performing software development team that wasn’t even aware they had fallen into the rut of the daily grind, faced a huge backlog of deliverables and hadn’t released any new software to production for more than six months. Yet with the application of behavioral science techniques, and even a game on a wintery Friday afternoon, they learned that changing their behavior would be their “trump card”. But behavior changes are not without their own challenges. With their team lead, they apply their newly honed soft skills and see extraordinary results.

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OKR Software is a scam!

You don’t need dedicated OKR Software, so don’t fall into this trap. Organising your goals into Objectives and Key Results (OKRs) is supposed to be simple. Very simple, that’s why it works. If you make OKRs too complicated by having too many, or when you have too many layers in your organisation, you might think you need software to “manage” all these goals. Don’t “manage” OKRs; trust your teams instead to do the right thing.

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Barriers to growth

You want your company to grow. That desire could be driven by shareholders and investors, your own ambition or your exit strategy. So what do you do? You hire a bunch of growth hackers to get your inbound and outbound marketing up to speed, hire some killer sales reps and do some pricing tricks. This is a nice recipe if you want to grow your SaaS fast in its early days. After you have overcome some of the growth crises, you’re now a mature mid-sized SaaS company. Then something happens.

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OKR Check-ins: Making Consistent, Meaningful Progress

People hate uncertainty. Research has proven that people can experience stress and illness when dealing with ambiguity and obscurity. Our brain appreciates certainty the same as food, sex, and social connections. We humans are rather predictable creatures, ruled by genetics and time-honoured survival mechanisms. There are few things that give us more satisfaction than having a firm sense of control over our environment, safety, and working towards a goal (acting with purpose).

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